Firstblog(unit:1=Hazrat Muhammad SAW the model of tolerance)

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               "O you who have believed,seek help through patience and prayer.Indeed,Allah is with the patient."(Al-Baqarah21:35)
By tolerance we mean a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from ours. Tolerance is the virtue which enables a person to forbear the attitude,negative remarks and action with patience and calmness.The life of hazrat Muhammad S.A.W is a superb example of tolerance. It is his tolerance that let him forgive his worst enemies. Truly,he is an epitome of tolerance,forgiveness,patience and compassion. The Holy Quran describes him as Rahmatul-Alameen,(a mercy unto the whole mankind and the universe. 
While preaching Islam in Makah,the Quraish ostracized him and his family Banuhasim.They lived in a valley called Shab-Abi-Talib.There was scarcity of food and water.The believers had no means of income and they were leading a very tough life for a period of three years.During this situation Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W remained calm and tolerant and never thought about taking any sort of revenge.Even after he had conquered Makah,Hazrat Muhammad SAW taught his followers to remain tolerant.After the conquest of Makkah,the muslim army entered Makkah humbly and peacefully. No house was robbed;no man or woman was insulted. Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W granted a general amnesty to the entire population of Makkah.
After conquest of Makkah,when everybody gathered in Khana-e-kaaba,Hazrat Muhammad SAW asked the people of Quraish,"What do you expect at my hands ?"They all shouted in one voice,"Kindness and pity,gracious brother,gracious nephew."_They were not disappointed. 
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W said the same forgiving words as Hazrat Yusuf SAW had said to his brother ,"Have no fear this day ,May Allah forgive you,and he is the most Merciful to those who show mercy."
Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W even forgave Abu Sufyan and his wife who were the worst enemies of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W and Islam.He plotted many times against the Rasool SAW but Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W never did so.
Similarly,the story of the Rabbi Zaid is one such epitome of learning from Muhammad SAW practices,which reflects tolerance towards others.Once Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W was attending funeral of a man from the Ansar.Hazrat Abu Bakr RA,Hazrat Umar RA,Hazrat Usman RA,and some other companions were with him.After the funeral prayer the rasool SAW sat down close to a wall,and a Jewish Rabbi, Zaid ibn sanah come towards him ,he grabbed the Rasool SAW by the edges of his cloak,looked at him in a harsh way,and said,O Muhammad!will you not pay  me back my loan?I have not known the family of Abdul-Mutalib to delay and repaying debts."After seeing what the Rabbi did to Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W Hazrat Umar eyes swelled with anger ,he looked at the Rabbi and said:"O enemy of Allah ,do you talk to the Rasool of Allah and behave towards him in this manner?"The Rabbi turned away and Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W said to Hazrat Umar ,"you should have given us sincere counselling,rather than act as you did!Go repay him his loan ,and give him twenty Sa'a(a measurement of weight)extra because you scared him".
Hazrat Umar RA went to the Rabbi,repaid him the debt,and give him and extra twenty Sa'a of dates.The Rabbi asking Hazrat Umar RA why and he replied ,"The Rasool of Allah ordered me to give it to you because I frightened you."
The fact was that Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W was not late in repaying the debt,the Rabbi was asking for the repayment days before the loan was due because he wanted to test Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W  tolerance .The Rabbi Zaid found that tolerance and perseverance took precedence over anger and that harsh treatment was repaid with kindness.The Rabbi Zaid immediately renounced his religion and testified before Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W,There is none worthy of worship but Allah alone and that Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W is His Rasool".
The tolerance of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W knew no bounds.He always treated people with kindness and compassion. Violence,anger and rudeness were never part of his personality. He showed to tolerance in the face of adversity and kindness in the face of harsh treatment. 


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