A Fox had just killed a deer when an eagle,who had been watching from a tree,asked the fox if he would share his prey. The fox agreed,on condition that he could share any food the eagle caught.This was agreed so the dead deer was carefully divided between the two animals.
The eagle and fox then decided it would be a good idea to live near each other,especially if they were going to share their food.They found an oak tree in the middle of a deep valley . At the to of the tree,the eagle built a nest and the fox dug a hole near a rock where he hid his young foxes.
The young foxes used to play outside their den and one day, while the fox was out for hunting,the eagle,forgetting their agreement ,swooped down and carried off the young foxes to his nest where he fed them to his young eagles.
In the meantime,the fox had captured a hare in the woods and was returning to his den to share the food with his friend,the eagle.You can imagine the poor fox sadness when he discovered his cubs were gone.He soon realised what had happened and was determined to repay the eagle for betraying his trust.
The poor fox could not think of a way to repay the eagle for his wicked deed.He could not climb the large oak tree to reach the eagle nest.
One day ,he remembered seeing some men working in the woods who had lit a large fire to burn their rubbish.
He decided to visit this place to see what he could find . He eventually decided to steal a large branch which had been in the fire and was still burning and he dragged this back to the valley.
When he finally reached the oak tree,he lay the burning branch in the dry grass which soon caught fire.There was a strong wind which blew the flames towards the oak tree which also caught fire.Soon the eagle returned but was unable to save the baby eagles.
The eagle was very angryand shouted at the fox,accusing him of killing his babies .The fox replied that he had only done the same as the eagle had done in the first place.Both creatures were sad at losing,saying it is written that anyone who betrays a friendship will receive just punishment.
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